Akito The Fox Kids Digital Camera - Third Drawer Down
Akito The Fox Kids Digital Camera - Third Drawer Down
Akito The Fox Kids Digital Camera - Third Drawer Down
Akito The Fox Kids Digital Camera - Third Drawer Down
Akito The Fox Kids Digital Camera - Third Drawer Down
Akito The Fox Kids Digital Camera - Third Drawer Down
Akito The Fox Kids Digital Camera - Third Drawer Down
Akito The Fox Kids Digital Camera - Third Drawer Down
Akito The Fox Kids Digital Camera - Third Drawer Down

Akito The Fox 儿童数码相机

$120.00 AUD

Akito The Fox 儿童数码相机 x Kidamento

介绍 Akito the Fox,这是一款适合 3 至 7 岁儿童的完美相机。其紧凑的设计让小手握持起来很舒服,而柔软的硅胶外壳(食品级)可承受粗暴玩耍。挂绳可兼作充电线,是理想的旅行伴侣。

这款相机具备了新晋摄影师在他们的第一台相机中会喜欢的所有功能。在日语中,“Akito”的意思是“聪明的孩子”。邀请 Akito 踏上充满想象力和创造力的摄影之旅吧!

• 重量:272.16 克

• 尺寸:12.7 x 12.7 x 5.1 厘米