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The Guerrilla Girls Said So

The Guerrilla Girls Said So

When we first collaborated with the Guerrilla Girls in 2015 they were having a moment, they were celebrating their 30th anniversary punking the art world, with a signing of our products at MoMA in New York City and they were making headlines. Watch this video, it rules.

In 2017, that moment exploded, in a good way - they had already been named by Artsy as some of the most influential artists of 2016 and have this year gone on to make even more noise about gender equality at a time where it is in the forefront, of every industry. The goosebumps are real - this is some amazing stuff happening right now and we are so proud to collaborate with strong voices, and powerful women in the arts. The Guerrilla Girls are reinventing the F-word, Feminism, which is why our latest collection is so close to our hearts. Designed in close collaboration with the Guerrilla Girls, we asked if they could write a sentence about each product for us.  The Guerrilla Girls said so! 




Shop the entire Guerrilla Girls collection here and become a part of the fight.